General Catalog Page Approvers

List of Approvers & Assigned Pages

The users below are designated approvers of the associated pages at each URL. If you no longer serve in this capacity, please email associate registrar Christian Sweatt to request an update.


During the annual edit/review window, page editors are notified to begin reviewing and updating their assigned catalog pages. After edits/updates are submitted to workflow, you will be asked to review edits and either roll them back to the editor for further revisions, or approve for publishing.


If you'd like to preview your assigned page and communicate requested changes to your editor, you may select the URL in the table below to navigate directly to your page(s). As approver, you are also authorized to make edits to your assigned page(s). Although you will be able to view the entire catalog, you are able to edit only those pages for which you are designated as the page owner.

Note: The "Next" version of the catalog is an unpublished catalog. Please do not bookmark pages for public dissemination or otherwise distribute content from the pages in this version. The public version is located here:

The lists below were last updated on February 2, 2025.