Legal Name Change

Your legal name will appear in your university records exactly as shown in the student portal.

For new students, university records reflect the name under which you applied for admission.

In addition, you can specify a lived name in the student portal.  A lived name is the name you would like most people to see in electronic systems. Your lived name can be a nickname, a form of your legal name, or a completely different name.

Current Students

To change your legal name in university records, please complete a Petition for Name Change for Current Students and submit to [email protected]. Use this form to request a change to an e-mail address.  (Wait to submit this form for at least one business day after you see your updated legal name in the student portal.) When you submit your petition, you must include copies of the following documents:

  • Photo identification (former or new name); and
  • Documentation or identification that links your old name and new name

Your documentation or identification must show exactly the same legal name as you request to appear in your university records.

If you are graduating and wish to change your legal name in your university records and on your diploma, you should file a Petition for Name Change not later than the second week of your final quarter of enrollment.

Please note that any name preference that you submit to your school or program for graduation ceremonies will not be reflected on your diploma unless you also file a Petition for Name Change at [email protected] by the second week of your final quarter or respond to an e-mail notice from the Office of the Registrar during your final quarter.

Alumni and Former Students

If you have already graduated, you may submit a Petition for Name Change After Graduation.