Transcript Guide and Grading Key

Graduate Division and Schools of Dentistry, Nursing, and Pharmacy
Grade Points Explanation Notes
A 4.0 Excellent Pharmacy: Only for students admitted prior to summer 2018
B 3.0 Good Pharmacy: Only for students admitted prior to summer 2018
C 2.0 Fair Pharmacy: Only for students admitted prior to summer 2018
D 1.0 Barely Passing Pharmacy: Only for students admitted prior to summer 2018
F 0.0 Fail Pharmacy: Only for students admitted prior to summer 2018
H Honors Dentistry only, in third and fourth years
Y Provisional non-passing grade Pharmacy: Summer 2018 admission and later
Y 0.0 Provisional non-passing grade Pharmacy: Students admitted prior to summer 2018
I Incomplete Assigned when work is of passing quality but incomplete for good cause.
IP In Progress For courses extending beyond one quarter.
P/NP Passed / Not Passed Dentistry and Pharmacy
S/U Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory Graduate and Nursing
SP/UP Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory Progress Dentistry
NR Not Recorded Instructor has not entered a final grade.
School of Medicine
Grade Points Explanation
P Passed
H Honors. Awarded in summer term 1992 or later.
I Incomplete (See description in section above)
IP In Progress (See description in section above)
E Provisional Non-Passing
F Fail
NR Not Recorded
Code Explanation
C Correction
G Grade assigned, sequence completed
N Provisional grade removed
R Repeated course (Dentistry and Pharmacy)
S Used when student is required by the dean to repeat a year, a term, or specific courses. Suppresses grade and units from calculation.
T Repeat. Suppresses units from calculation.
X Credit by examination
2 Intercampus Exchange
5 UC Berkeley Extension
7 SF Consortium or Stanford Exchange
W Withdrew from all courses in the term


Enrolled prior to Fall Quarter 1978 − Photocopy of hard copy.
Enrolled Fall Quarter 1978 or thereafter − Computer-generated transcript (course titles included beginning Fall 2001).


100 = Upper-division undergraduate and professional courses.
200 & 300 = Graduate academic courses.
400 = Post-doctoral and professional school clinical courses.


Unless authorized by the dean, and except for courses normally offered for repeat credit, students may repeat only courses in which they received a D, F, or NP. Except by dean’s permission, students may not repeat a course more than once for which they originally received a grade of D, F, or NP. When a course is repeated, the units are credited toward the degree only once. A student’s grade point average is computed quarterly and cumulatively on the total number of units attempted and completed (successfully or unsuccessfully).


Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy students must be enrolled full time.


Graduate Division and Nursing students who meet certain criteria may apply for part-time status.


A registered student who withdraws, is dismissed, or is absent without leave from the University before the end of the term may receive a grade of F or NP for each course in which he/she is enrolled.


The University of California, San Francisco is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission.


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University of California, San Francisco
Office of the Registrar
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