Financial Aid

The Student Financial Services Office has dedicated staff to help you with grants, loans, work-study, basic needs, financial literacy, and more. For general financial aid information, please visit the Web site. Check on your personal financial aid by visiting the Student Portal.

Grants and Scholarships

Grants and scholarships are funds that do not need to be repaid. They are the best source of financial assistance, but funds are limited. Maximize your eligibility by following the directions and applying for Full Funding when available if you need money to help pay your college expenses. UCSF grants are based on financial need, and there is a requirement for an annual re-evaluation. Application information for grants and scholarships is available.

Student Loans

Details are available about loans, such as interest rates and repayment terms. Financial Aid applicants will be considered for the best loans first (i.e. a limited amount of loan funds are based on need and have lower interest rates and deferral of interest) .


Federal Work-Study is a need-based student aid program for students to gain a broader college experience while earning some money in lieu of loans. Work-Study positions are listed. Students eligible for Federal Direct Loans are also eligible for this aid. Additionally, such students can more easily qualify for CalFresh, formerly known as food stamps, to help make ends meet. This program provides $281/month for basic needs.

Basic Needs

In addition to formal financial aid assistance, and CalFresh associated with Federal Work Study, there are numerous ways to cover your basic needs while in school. Be sure to check out our Food Access page for more resources.


The Office also provides financial literacy programming throughout the year on topics such as Budgeting, Tax Basics, and Loan Repayment Strategies. Additionally, one-on-one loan strategy appointments are available with the campus loan resource advisor Andrew Wong. To set up an appointment with an advisor, please e-mail us or visit our Virtual Front Desk. The regular Virtual Front Desk hours are Monday to Friday, 9–10 a.m., 10:30 a.m.–noon, and 2–4 p.m.