Access to Electronic Systems When Not Registered

Students who are registered in degree programs receive access to a variety of electronic services. These services, described herein as “electronic services,” may include, among other services, e-mail, library privileges, VPN, door access, and the Office of the Registrar student portal.

When a student is not registered, electronic services, including MyAccess, may be curtailed or terminated. The reason for the lapse in registration and the length of time during which a student is not registered determine when services will be terminated.

Most services are terminated according to the schedule below without prior notice or warning. E-mail forwarding is not available. (Services will not be terminated if students have another active affiliation at UCSF, such as a staff or faculty appointment.)

Student Portal Access Using Google Credentials

Even after students lose access to MyAccess single sign-on, alumni and former students can continue to access the student portal, including to order transcripts, if they have a Gmail account listed in their student record as their personal e-mail address. In addition, before graduating or ending their UCSF student status, students should ensure that they have access to the telephone number associated with their local (mailing) address, as this telephone number will be used during the login process for two-factor authentication. Read more about the Google login process.


Access to most electronic services will end six months after their graduation date. The graduation date is the last day of the term in which they receive their degree. Consult the academic calendar for the end date of the term.

UCSF alumni are entitled to certain Alumni Association benefits.

Leave of Absence

Students can be unregistered for five quarters and still maintain access to electronic services. Summer quarters count as quarters in this calculation. If a student is not registered as of the first day of the sixth quarter, most electronic services will be terminated. 

However, if you indicate your quarter of readmission when you submit your leave of absence request, you will maintain access to electronic services. Alternatively, if you do not indicate your quarter of readmission when you file your leave of absence petition, once you do file a petition for readmission, even for a future quarter, you will maintain or reactivate -- depending on the length of your leave to date -- access to electronic services. Read more about readmission.

Dismissal or Honorable Withdrawal

Students who have been dismissed or who have withdrawn honorably lose access to electronic services within 24 hours after the Office of the Registrar records the action (or on the effective date of the withdrawal, if the Office of the Registrar records the action before the effective date).

Extension of Access

Neither the Office of the Registrar nor Information Technology Services can approve extensions of access. However, students can contact the student affairs office in their school or program to discuss an extension of access.