Course Evaluation Messaging
Consistent messaging is sent to students completing course evaluations as well as to instructors being evaluated each term. Below are examples of messages sent to both students and instructors.
Instructor Messages
Pre-evaluation (approx 7 days prior to evals opening)
Dear Prof. #user.lastname#,
Your department has opted to use the Eval25 (formerly What-Do-You-Think?) course evaluation software to evaluate certain courses you teach. Please note: Co-instructors may also have been included if your program administrator forwarded this information. Please reach out to your program admin with further questions.
The evaluation period for the #session.title# #term.title# term will begin at #session.startdate#. The deadline for students to complete their evaluations is #session.enddate#.
Please encourage your students to complete their course evaluations. Even though emails are sent, word-of-mouth communication works best at achieving a high response rate. Automated email notifications will begin at #session.startdate# and reminders will continue to be sent to students each day until evaluations are completed or until the evaluation end date (whichever happens first). Emails are sent to UCSF email accounts only, so students will need to check that account for instructions.
Once evaluations have begun, you can send reminder emails through the Eval25 system by logging in using your MyAccess credentials at:
Evaluation reports will be available after all grades for the term have been submitted. The grading deadline can be found here: An automated email will be sent once reports are available to download.
The courses being evaluated for which you are the Instructor of Record (or co-instructor) are:
Faculty Questions: Instructors now have the option to add up to four of their own quantitative questions for each of their courses being evaluated. All questions must be added BEFORE the evaluation start date. For help adding questions, please see this page: For general information, please see:
Survey Tool: The Graduate Division has turned on a "Survey" feature which allows instructors to create surveys and collect data for their classes or anyone they wish to participate. You can see a sample survey here. The survey tool can be accessed here. Note: Surveys are not accessible by administrators nor can departmental reports be generated from survey results. Surveys are solely for individual faculty use, and you may use them, at any time, however you wish.
Thank you,
Evaluation Started
Dear Prof. #user.lastname#,
The evaluation period for the #term.title# term has begun. The deadline for students to complete their evaluations is #session.enddate#.
During the evaluation period, you can log in to check response rates and send your own reminder emails. Keep in mind, student reminders are also automatically sent to UCSF accounts each day at 7am to those who haven't completed their evaluations. Using your MyAccess credentials, you can log in to track progress and send reminders at:
In order to get the highest response rates, please talk to your students and encourage them to complete evaluations. Depending on their email filters, students may need to check their spam folder for the notification, or they can log in using their UCSF MyAccess credentials at: Again, notifications are sent to students' UCSF email accounts only.
Instructor evaluation reports will be available after all grades for the term have been submitted for the entire program. Grade submission deadlines can be found here:
The course(s) being evaluated for which you are the Instructor of Record OR a co-instructor are:
Thank you,
Evaluation Reports Available
Dear Prof. #user.lastname#,
The evaluation period for the #session.title# #term.title# term has ended and the grades for this evaluated course have been posted. As such, your course evaluation reports have been released and are available to view and download.
You can download your course report(s) through the Eval25 system by logging in using your MyAccess credentials at
Thank you,
Course Eval Response Rate (approx four days after evals open)
Dear Prof. #user.lastname#,
The #term.title# course eval period for session #session.title# is underway! We wanted to provide you with a quick overview of the response rate for the course(s) being evaluated in this session (note: you may have courses in multiple sessions that begin and end on different dates for which you'll receive separate emails.):
If your response rate is low, please talk to your students and encourage them to complete evaluations. As the instructor, you are also able to send your own notifications via the evaluation dashboard at:
Depending on their email filters, students may need to check their spam folder for the notification they are automatically sent each morning, or they can check their evaluation dashboard by logging in using their UCSF MyAccess credentials at:
Please note, the evaluations for this session will close at #session.enddate#.
Thank you,
Course Eval Response Rate Update (two days before evals close)
Dear Prof. #user.lastname#,
The #term.title# course eval period for #session.title# is closing in two days at midnight! Below is your course evaluation response rate as of right now (note: you may have courses in multiple sessions that begin and end on different dates for which you'll receive separate emails.):
If your response rate is low, please reach out to your students and encourage them to complete evaluations. As the instructor, you are also able to send your own notifications via the evaluation dashboard at:
All evaluation requests are sent to UCSF email accounts. Depending on their email filters, students may need to check their spam folder for the notification they are automatically sent each morning, or they can check their evaluation dashboard by logging in using their UCSF MyAccess credentials at:
Thank you,
Evaluation Ended
Dear Prof. #user.lastname#,
The #term.title# course eval period for session #session.title# has ended. Evaluation reports will be released to you after the term has ended and once final grades have been entered for your course (note: you may have courses in multiple sessions that end on different dates for which you'll receive separate emails).
Grades are manually checked each week after the current academic term has ended, and you will receive a separate email confirming that your evaluation report has been released and is available for review and/or download. In the meantime, you will see a placeholder report release date, typically dated six months after the end of the current academic term.
You may access your course evaluation dashboard at any time by logging in using your UCSF MyAccess credentials at:
Thank you,
Student Messages
Evaluation Start
Dear #user.firstname#,
Your feedback is required on the following #eval.numincomplete# course(s) and instructor(s):
Access the evaluation site using your UCSF MyAccess credentials at:
All evaluations must be completed by: #session.enddate#
Thank you,
Evaluation - Reminder (sent each day until eval is complete or session has ended)
Dear #user.firstname#,
Your feedback is still required on the following course(s) and instructor(s):
Access the evaluations using your UCSF MyAccess credentials at
Please complete all evaluations by: #session.enddate#
Thank you,
Course Evaluations Closing SOON (sent one day prior to eval close)
Hi #user.firstname#,
Course evaluations are closing soon, and your feedback is still required on the following #eval.numincomplete# course(s) and instructor(s):
Most course evaluations don’t take very much of your time, and all anonymized evaluation reports are reviewed by the program and professor each term. Your input is extremely valuable!
You may access your evaluations using your UCSF MyAccess credentials at
Please complete all evaluations by: #session.enddate#
Thank you,